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How to Collect Phone Numbers for SMS Marketing

How to Collect Phone Numbers for SMS Marketing

SMS is the new email.

As our inboxes get busier each year, more marketers are turning to text messaging to engage and convert potential buyers.

When used correctly, SMS marketing can be a direct and personalized channel to persuade shoppers to recover their abandoned carts, buy your products, and more.

But for that to work, you first need to grow your list with phone numbers of interested prospects.

If SMS marketing is already a part of your marketing efforts, keep reading to learn how to collect phone numbers on your site—the right way.

Step 1: Create a Multistep Popup

For this example, we’ll create a multistep popup that asks for the visitor’s email address in step 1 and collects a phone number in step 2.

Click the popup below to load it in your editor. (You can create a free Sleeknote account and follow along in a separate tab.)

Create a similar popup


Load this high-converting template in our editor and customize it to the look and feel of your business.

Try it out

Next, you’ll customize the popup to match your website and add a phone input field.

Step 2: Customize to Your Preference

By making a small adjustment to this email popup, you can start collecting phone numbers on your website.

An attractive incentive, such as entry to a giveaway or an additional discount, can convince visitors to submit more information (which we’ll use in step 2).

To do that, change the popup’s copy to reflect your offer.


Then, adjust the popup’s design to match your brand and website.


Next, move to step 2 and update its design and copy.


After, drag and drop the phone input field onto your popup.

Phone Input Field in Popup

Edit input field settings and update your placeholder copy.


Finally, add an SMS consent checkbox so you can send your subscribers marketing messages.


Tip: Make sure to check if your email service provider supports SMS consent in your country.

Step 3: Set Up Targeting Options

First, decide when your popup should show on your website.

Our data suggest that eight seconds is the sweet spot, so we’ll go with that.

Select “Show After” under “Triggers” and set it to eight seconds.

Timed Popup Trigger

Now, choose where your popup should show. For example, you can set it to appear on all pages, except transactional pages, such as cart, checkout, or help.


To ensure a good browsing experience, hide your popup from your existing subscribers.

Switch the “Newsletter Subscriber” option on with one click under “Targeting Options”:

Hide from Newsletter Subscribers Popup

Set up an integration with your CRM system and that’s it!

You can now collect email addresses and phone numbers at the same time—without the latter affecting conversions for the former.

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