How Arono Used Sleeknote to Increase App Downloads
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How Arono Used Sleeknote to Increase App Downloads

About Arono is a Danish company that created a mobile app meant to improve the user’s health and quality of life, through personalized diet plans. Their core offering is supported by a suite of features and functions that allow users to plan meals ahead, track their progress and provides them with weekly shopping lists for ingredients. As a business, they rely on a subscription model, offering a 14-day free trial, after which users can opt for a monthly, quarterly or yearly subscription.

A Recipe For Success

Arono’s business is built around their app, so its quality is paramount to their success. They constantly strive to improve the user experience, by implementing new features and customer feedback on a regular basis. Their dedication to this is clear from the 26 updates made to the app within the last year, which play a large role in keeping customers engaged through a constantly evolving experience.

Ida Kirstine Hansen, Arono’s Digital Marketing assistant, focuses on getting the app in people’s hands. She does this through a mix of email marketing, SEO and improving the visitor to free-trial conversion rate on their website. After all, when an app is so polished, getting a visitor to try it is the closest you can get to a sale.

How Arono Improved Their Marketing Funnel

Arono’s website is a showcase of the app, presenting the core functions and features users benefit from. Ida explained, “We want to make the experience as seamless as possible, and Sleeknote removes the need for the visitor to go through a long marketing funnel.”

Considering Arono offers a mobile app, it was important to differentiate between mobile and desktop visitors. “On mobile or tablets, we want to send our visitors directly to the AppStore or Google Play, but the same link would take users to the desktop versions of these pages, which isn’t ideal. So instead, we use Sleeknote to sign them up to our newsletter,” she told me.

They implemented this by creating separate campaigns for mobile and desktop. When someone visited their website through a mobile device, they were shown the following SleekBox. Clicking on it took them to the Arono’s AppStore page.


For Arono, this type of SleekBox usually converts at 6.5%, having taken over 4,500 visitors to their AppStore page so far.

Arono’s newsletter is a powerful marketing tool, with roughly 30% of subscribers downloading the app. So when it came to desktop visitors, convincing them to opt-in was the priority. To ensure this would not interfere with the experience of current subscribers, the following SleekBox was only shown to new visitors.


Through this type of campaign, Arono collected over 800 email addresses.

As proven by Arono’s constant updates to their app, they understand that success is an iterative process, and even if something works well, you should still aim to improve it. This approach extends beyond their app and influences all of the company’s efforts. A great example of this is the effort they put in improving the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Ida did this through Sleeknote’s split testing capabilities. She explained, “It’s often difficult to predict what kind of content your users will respond to. So we split test different layouts and content to find out what works best.” To this day, they have conducted 16 split tests, which played a large role in their above average conversion rates.

An example of this is the two newsletter signup forms below, for which they compared the performance of different visual elements.


Something as simple as a different background image resulted in the first SleekBox converting 53% better than the second.

“Sleeknote is very straight-forward to work with, and it makes it painless to create visually pleasing solutions.”
Ida Kirstine Hansen Digital Marketing Assistant

Arono’s Achievements

Through Sleeknote, Arono improved the marketing funnel and user experience on their site, directing 4,500 visitors to their AppStore and Google Play pages, and gathering over 950 newsletter permissions, out of which 30% downloaded the app.

At the time of our interview, Arono ranked 3rd in the Danish AppStore for the “Health and Fitness” category. This was a cumulative result of the quality of their app, their newsletter, Facebook ads, SEO and Sleeknote.

Final Thoughts

A great app needs to make its way to people’s hands to start making a difference. Regardless of how innovative a concept is, or how amazing your app, simply showing it to people isn’t enough. Traffic and visibility are steps in the right direction, but getting a visitor to press the “Download” button is the real goal.

Arono’s astounding climb through the AppStore’s ranks is proof of how far leveraging traffic to its full potential can go. And it all came down to walking the extra mile. They could have focused exclusively on ads and traffic, their newsletter, or pushing app downloads on their site, but combining all of these created a result that many aspire to, but very few achieve.


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