How Bolia Generates Leads Without Hurting The Customer Experience

How Bolia Generates Leads Without Hurting The Customer Experience

About Bolia is a furniture design company that puts creativity at the heart of everything they do. They have 58 stores across nine markets and more than 900 employees. Bolia’s team of award-winning designers put their soul into the design of their unique collections, which are filled with personality and love. Everything piece of furniture is customized by color, size, height, and more resulting in more than one million designs that are hand-made and delivered directly to your front door.

The Problem

Knowing how important it is to have a relevant email list packed with relevant prospects, Bolia needed to collect high quality leads for their email list.

With the vast amount of traffic they’re getting to their different sites, Bolia knew they could turn visitors into quality leads with the right popup tool. And after testing Sleeknote, they knew they had found the right solution.

The Perfect Timing

Getting new email subscribers is one of Bolia’s top priorities. To get visitors to sign up for their newsletter, Bolia offers visitors a 10% discount when visitors sign up for their newsletter.

The Perfect Timing

Bolia wanted to experiment with the timing of the popup and decided to try a 15-second timer, meaning the popup will only show to visitors who have been on a page for more than 15 seconds. 

Even though 15 seconds might seem like a long time, waiting longer to show the popup created a better user experience. This is because it gave visitors a chance to see the Bolia collection before deciding whether or not to join the newsletter.

Like many online retailers, Bolia also informs visitors about cookies on their site. They needed to make sure the popup wouldn’t show until visitors had accepted cookies, so they added a condition to ensure that their newsletter popup only shows after a visitor has accepted cookies.

By testing the timing of their popup, Bolia found an effective formula to turn site visitors into email leads. This newsletter campaign had a conversion rate of 7.2%.

Multiple Platforms

Bolia also uses competitions to build its email list. To ensure a high-quality customer journey on both desktop and mobile, Bolia creates desktop- and mobile-specific campaigns. 

They started to experiment with images and the amount of text in their desktop vs. mobile popups. Bolia found that their desktop popups perform better when they include images and details on what visitors get when they enter the competition and sign up for the Bolia newsletter.

Multiple Platforms 1

On mobile, Bolia found that removing images and using less text created a more user-friendly mobile popup. By doing so, they ensure that the popup doesn’t take up too much screen space on mobile devices.

Multiple Platforms 2

Bolia also knows how important it is to adapt the messages to their different audiences. They’ve found that offering a 10% discount in France and the Netherlands in exchange for an email is extremely effective, whereas competitions are more effective for their Danish audience. (The French and Dutch campaigns’ conversion rates are 13.46% and 10.45% respectively.)

Choosing the Best Design

Another feature Bolia takes advantage of is A/B testing. In one experiment, Bolia tested its mobile teaser’s background color on its German mobile popups. One version was blue and the other was orange.

Another feature Bolia takes advantage of is A/B testing. In one experiment, Bolia tested its mobile teaser’s background color on its German mobile popups. One version was blue and the other was orange.

Choosing the Best Design1
Choosing the Best Design 2

In English, the text reads: Win designs from our new collection.

The orange teaser performed 327% better than the blue teaser. On desktop though, the results were reversed. The blue color outperformed the orange teaser, which goes to show how important it is to test on mobile and desktop separately.  

The difference could also be a result of the fact that the desktop version includes product images that go better with the blue color than the orange.

Choosing the Best Design 3

Bolia also wants to test their newsletter signup campaigns. As of writing, a visitor has to enter both their name and email, but Bolia wants to see if removing the name input field will lead to higher conversion rates.

“We do not want our popups to be annoying. They have to improve the user experience and that’s why we spend a lot of time testing.”
Betina Joy Pedersen Digital Marketing Project Manager


Bolia gives its Sleeknote campaigns a lot of thought and consideration. They adapt every campaign for both mobile and desktop which has proven very effective. 

They also translate their popups to their different target audiences to make their messages super relevant. By doing so, Bolia has collected more than 70,000 quality email leads.

Final Thoughts

By continuously ensuring that campaigns are optimized for all devices and audiences, Bolia has found the perfect way to collect relevant emails without hurting the user experience.

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