How If Used “Connect with Visitors” and Manual Triggers to Generate More Leads for Their Sales Team
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How If Used “Connect with Visitors” and Manual Triggers to Generate More Leads for Their Sales Team

About Founded in 1999, If is the Nordic region’s leading non-life insurance company, with 3.6 million customers in the Nordic countries and the Baltics. This broad presence allows If to offer efficient cross-borders solutions. Their core values center around ease of reach, reliability, engagement, and innovativeness, enabling them to offer a high standard of service and a positive experience to their customers. While the following use of Sleeknote originated on, they widely implemented the service on many versions of their site, covering both their Nordic and Baltic domains.

Burdens of a Large Selection

If offers a wide range of insurance options to its customers, which can make navigating their website difficult for new visitors. In an effort to reduce confusion and improve the on-site user experience, If searched for a way to reach these visitors and help them find the solution best suited to their needs.

The caveat was separating newcomers from those who already knew what they were looking for, as Mikkel Andreas Vig Hjarnaa, If’s Web Analyst explained: “It shouldn’t trigger if they know what they’re doing.” Thus, the aim was enhancing user experience wherever possible, without intruding on visitors who wouldn’t derive value from it.

Why If Chose Sleeknote

If already had a panel on their site that allowed customers to chat with their support and sales teams, but it wasn’t trigger-based. As Mikkel put it “Whenever you entered the shop, it was there, so it had a lot of limitations.” He knew that targeting visitors at the right step of their journey was crucial to the user experience. Having heard of Sleeknote and its capabilities, If implemented it on their site.

At first, they offered to help visitors via email, by subscribing them to their newsletter and guiding them to the right solutions. However, they quickly found that calling these users converted them to customers at a much higher rate. So they tweaked their campaigns and started asking for their phone numbers instead.

How If Used Sleeknote

Showing their campaigns to the right visitors at the right time was a priority, as “We wanted to reach those who are in doubt or struggle with something, as they are most likely to leave,” Mikkel told me. So they used manual triggers to target specific user behavior and interactions that indicated a visitor might have trouble finding what they were looking for.

A good example of this was their Auto Insurance page. Once a visitor clicked on it, they were asked for the license plate. If they didn’t have one, they were taken to the Auto Insurance page like everyone else, while also triggering a relevant SleekBox that offered to help them find the right solution for their case.


Once a visitor had entered their phone number, the leads were transferred to If’s call system, allowing for a seamless exchange between SleekBoxes and If’s sales team.

They also used a six-second trigger for their product pages’ campaigns. The difference between them was the copy, which If adapted to fit each page’s topic. The example below is currently active on their “Accident Insurance” page.



While we can’t disclose the specifics of If’s results, they generated over 3,000 leads for their sales team in the form of phone numbers and had a good lead to customer conversion rate. Mikkel added that “The pattern we’ve been seeing is that some of the customers don’t buy anything on the spot, but many return and complete a purchase later on.”

Final Thoughts

Not all users are created equal, so aiming for a consistent experience is paradoxical. A great experience for a knowledgeable user will vary widely from a great experience for a newcomer. Acknowledging differences in users and adapting to them is key to enhancing on-site interactions.

If’s way of tweaking the online customer journey for newcomers is a great example of personalizing the experience to the user’s needs. Offering to help all visitors find the right solution is one thing, but offering to help struggling visitors find the right solution is something else entirely.

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