How Kings & Queens Increased Their Conversion Rate by 522.52%
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How Kings & Queens Increased Their Conversion Rate by 522.52%

About Kings & Queens is a multi-brand online clothing store for men and women. They have 19 physical stores in Denmark and sell brands such as Calvin Klein, Levi’s, Fila, Tommy Hilfiger, and more.

Increasing Transactions with Managed Solution

Back in March 2019, Kings & Queens started working with Sleeknote Managed Solution and ViaBill (an installment plan payment option). The goal was to promote the option to pay with ViaBill and increase the number of ViaBill transactions.

Sleeknote Managed Solution is the newest in-house Sleeknote service, where conversion optimization experts manage your Sleeknote account with the purpose of generating more leads, boosting sales, and providing a better user experience on the customer’s site.

After three months, Kings & Queens’ results speak for themselves:

  • The number of ViaBill transactions has increased by 69.68% (subject to seasonal fluctuations)
  • The conversion rate for e-commerce on selected offers and campaigns has increased by 522.52%
  • They’ve collected more than 8,000 newsletter subscribers.

Promoting the New Payment Option

To promote the option to pay with ViaBill, the Managed Solution team set up a campaign to create awareness around the alternative payment option.

The campaign promotes the advantages of choosing ViaBill as a payment option.

Promoting the New Payment Option Sleekbox 1

Boosting Sales with Category-Specific Campaigns

The Managed Solution team set up several different campaigns on the Kings & Queens website to promote relevant offers (e.g. two t-shirts for 200 DKK).

With Sleeknote, it’s possible to trigger the campaigns on specific URLs and for specific site visitors.

“We’ve struggled with promoting the offers we’ve had on the site–especially the ones where you can buy two or three t-shirts and get a discount.” says e-commerce manager, Ronni Andersen. “But because Sleeknote is so flexible, we can have specific campaigns with our Tommy Hilfiger t-shirts on our Tommy Hilfiger category page.”

Boosting Sales with Category-Specific Campaigns Sleekbox 3

With a campaign promoting offers on relevant products, Kings & Queens are able to give their visitors the feeling of being guided to better purchase decisions–just like they would in a physical store.

And these campaigns have paid off.

Their campaign promoting two t-shirts for DKK 200, has increased their conversion rate by 522%.

That means 10% of visitors that clicked the campaign made a purchase. And out of the visitors who saw the campaign but didn’t click through, 1.61% converted into customers in the same period.

Want similar results? Use this high-converting campaign on your site.

A Flexible Tool for Mid-Season Sale

From May 1st, 2019 to May 15th, 2019, Kings & Queens had a mid-season sale. During this time, Ronni was happy to have Sleeknote as a tool and the Managed Solution team for assistance.

“It made a lot of sense for us to have Sleeknote during our mid-season sale where we had four different campaigns running,” says Ronni. “One [campaign] without a countdown timer at the beginning of the sale, and one at the end of the sale to increase urgency. These two campaigns were created for both desktop and mobile individually.” But that’s not even the best part.

“I was on vacation at the time of the sale. But with the advanced scheduling option and Managed Solution’s help, I was able to let go of the reins, knowing everything would be on track and run smoothly.”

A Flexible Tool for Mid-Season Sale Sleekbox 2

The campaign with a countdown timer increased conversions by 215.09% and the campaign without the countdown timer saw an increase of 216.98%.

A More Effective Way to Collect Leads

With 19 physical stores, it’s been difficult for Kings & Queens to control their newsletter signups from their’ headquarters.

Ronni explains: “Before we started using Sleeknote, we only collected leads in our physical stores and they weren’t coming in consistently. With the new Sleeknote campaign on our site, we know that every visitor is presented with the opportunity to sign up. This is much more effective than being dependent on the sales assistants in the stores who don’t always remember to ask.”

A More Effective Way to Collect Leads Sleekbox 4

Using Sleeknote, Kings & Queens increased their conversion rate by 522%. 10% of visitors that clicked their campaign made a purchase. And out of the visitors who saw the campaign but didn’t click through, 1.61% converted into customers in the same period.

An Obvious Cooperation

According to Ronni, the experience with Managed Solution and ViaBill has opened his eyes to the many possibilities that the Sleeknote tool offers.

“I want to start experimenting with Sleeknote myself, but I would definitely recommend Managed Solution to people like myself, who don’t always have time to dive into the many opportunities the tool offers.”
Ronni Andersen E-commerce Manager, Kings & Queens

Ronni also says: “There are always so many things to do and too little time. So the cooperation with Managed Solution has been really good. I’ve been very satisfied with the work, and every time I’ve asked for something, the Managed Solution team has delivered. And whenever I’ve had any feedback, they’ve implemented it very quickly. That’s why Managed Solution hits the spot for people in my situation.”


Looking for a hands-free way to grow your online store faster?

Learn more about Managed Solution today.

Want to learn more about ViaBill?

With ViaBill you are able to attract customers with a different budget and different payment preferences because ViaBill pays for your customer’s order on your webshop, and your customer pays ViaBill back in 4 smaller installments. Webshops that offer a flexible payment method in their check-out both experience a higher conversion and Basket size.

For more info, contact Søren Thomsen at

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