How Minimum Reduced their Cart Abandonment Rate Using Sleeknote
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How Minimum Reduced their Cart Abandonment Rate Using Sleeknote

About Minimum is a Danish fashion brand, established in 1997. It started off as a retail store in Aarhus but quickly developed into an independent brand, offering Scandinavian fashion products for both men and women, ranging from true classics to unique, eye-catching designs ideal for special events. They now have two online stores: and

The Problem with Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment is a real problem for online retailers. In fact, according to Statista, 75,6% of all online shopping carts are abandoned at checkout, resulting in lost sales and revenue. “I had a challenge with the cart abandonment rate being too high on both sites,” Anders told me. “That’s the reason I looked into Sleeknote—to figure out a way to reduce it.”

Why Minimum Chose Sleeknote

Before using Sleeknote, Minimum had developed their own popup software. While it allowed them to include basic popups on their site, it lacked the ability to target prospects at a specific moment in the buyer’s journey. Anders wanted to find a solution he could use on both and that could be customized to target the individual visitor without hurting the user experience.

“Before we used Sleeknote, we had our own popup. Just a thing that we developed ourselves. And that worked fine, but the disadvantage is that when you develop something yourself, it doesn’t contain the same rules, logic, figures, and features Sleeknote does.”
Anders Talbo
Anders Talbo Dahl E-commerce manager

How Minimum Reduced Their Cart Abandonment Rate

In order to convince visitors to complete the checkout, Anders knew he needed a way to reach them before they left, and show them a compelling offer. “What we basically did was offer a 10% discount in a SleekBox on both sites to help abandoning visitors complete their order.”


Minimum achieved two things with the above approach. “We got the email address, increasing our newsletter database, and then we got visitors to complete their order, so we got a lot of orders, too.” In doing so, they not only ensured that customers completed their orders, but they also increased the chances of extra sales through long-term email marketing.


By using a cart recovery SleekBox with an exit-intent trigger, Minimum achieved a conversion rate of 39.5%, thus reducing the cart abandonment rate and generating 9.362 leads for their newsletter.

Final Thoughts

Using Sleeknote, Minimum was able to solve an issue that plagues all e-commerce marketers. And by implementing campaigns on both and, they’re reducing cart abandonment every day and getting more leads for their business.

Want to Create a Cart Recovery SleekBox of Your Own?

Watch the video below to learn how to reduce cart abandonment for your store.


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