How BilligParfume Achieved a Conversion Rate of 61.3% on Black Friday
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How BilligParfume Achieved a Conversion Rate of 61.3% on Black Friday

About BilligParfume is an online Danish store, covering a large selection of perfumes and beauty products. Their mission is to make high-quality products and brands accessible to everyone, by offering them at lower prices than other stores.

Discount Craze

BilligParfume’s mission is simple: to offer the same brands and high-quality products as specialized stores—at lower prices. They achieve this through campaigns, special offers, and discounts, giving customers some of the best deals on the market.

Naturally, events like Black Friday are crucial to their strategy. Given the competitive nature of these events, BilligParfume boosts their marketing efforts, using ads and content across various channels to drive traffic to their site. This traffic comes alongside waves of organic visitors, resulting in some of the most customer-packed periods of the year.

Once visitors reach the website, turning them into customers becomes the priority. To do this, the offers need to meet their expectations and the user experience on the site has to be flawless. From promoting the right products to the landing page design, all the elements are carefully crafted to maximize conversions. Then, the only thing left is ensuring that visitors end up on the right landing page.

Enhancing The User Journey

During their 2017 Black Friday campaign, BilligParfume used the following Guide Your Visitors SleekBox to make accessing the Black Friday page as easy as possible. Using the exit intent trigger, they made sure this campaign was only shown to visitors who were about to leave their website before seeing that page.

Sleekbox 1

This campaign converted at 61.3%, taking more than half of the visitors who were about to leave the site to the special offers page. Pernille, BilligParfume’s CEO, told me: “I don’t think that everyone visiting our website that day would have found the right Black Friday page had it not been for Sleeknote.”

They also ran a Singles’ Day campaign that converted at 35.59%. As such, many visitors about to exit the site returned, showing that they were interested in the offers, but couldn’t find them at first glance.

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Furthermore, when they ran special campaigns, like Black Friday and Single’s Day, the visitor-to-customer conversion for those pages was noticeably higher than their average. Through these simple on-site messages, BilligParfume was able to sell to visitors who would have likely left without completing a purchase.

BilligParfume also created a Christmas calendar competition that converted at 30%. Visitors had to subscribe to BilligParfume’s newsletter to participate in daily draws for special prizes. These types of leads convert to customers at a high rate and are an integral part of the company’s marketing strategy.

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Lastly, BilligParfume used an exit-intent campaign to reduce cart abandonment. They did this by offering visitors who were about to leave the site a discount code, as shown in the SleekBox below:

Sleekbox 4
“We got a lot more sales now, and we can see that the code is being used a lot. So it definitely had a positive effect.”
Pernille Nyborg-Lindinger CEO


Through their Guide Your Visitors campaigns, BilligParfume managed to achieve a 61.3% conversion rate for Black Friday, 35.59% conversion rate for Singles’ Day and a 30% signup rate to their newsletter through a Christmas calendar campaign. On top of that, they also reduced their cart abandonment rate through an exit-intent campaign.

“It was really easy to integrate Sleeknote with our shop. And, out of the tools we found, it was the easiest to work with.”
Pernille Nyborg-Lindinger CEO

Final Thoughts

Every company has its peak season, whether it’s a month, a quarter or a day. During these times your efforts are scaled up—you invest more in promotions, send out more offers, bring out your best discounts and traffic skyrockets beyond your weekly average. But it’s what happens after visitors get to your site that really matters. Ensuring they experience your promotions the way you intended them to is a crucial final step in their user journey.

BilligParfume’s case is a perfect example of enhancing this journey by making the most relevant pages and offers easily accessible from the start. Furthermore, their conversion rates prove that visitors are looking for those pages and appreciate the convenience added through these Guide Your Visitors shortcuts.

Black Friday 2018

If you’re unsure of just how important these events are, I have something to show you. The following graph is based on our own data, from current customers. It compares the traffic they get in an average week to the number of visitors during the Black Friday 2018 week:

Data From Black Friday

At its peak, on average, companies see an increase of 130.19% in traffic, from visitors who are more likely to complete a purchase than they would be on an average day. This is a rare opportunity for companies to boost their sales, provided they find a way to capitalize on all this traffic.


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