How Datamarked Surveys Customers on Post-Purchase Pages Using Sleeknote
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How Datamarked Surveys Customers on Post-Purchase Pages Using Sleeknote

About Datamarked is an e-commerce that specializes in selling used IT equipment and spare parts acquired as a new. They also have, where they sell sign production machines such as heat presses, foil, etc. The target group at Datamarked is both private and B2B customers, and at it is primarily B2B customers.

What Do They Use Sleeknote For?

Datamarked chose Sleeknote because they needed a tool to grow their email list, in order to send their newsletter to a much larger group of people.

1. Uppbyggnad av lista

Our marketing efforts are primarily focused around our newsletter, Google AdWords, and SEO. We chose Sleeknote because we needed a tool to grow our email list in order to send our newsletter to a much larger group of people.

We bought Sleeknote after I had talked to a fellow marketer, who recommended using popups to increase newsletter signups. We later had a visitor from a company that does customer surveys, who recommended Sleeknote, because he has very good experience with it. So I can honestly say that my decision to use Sleeknote, is based on recommendations from your existing customers.

datamarked sleekbox

2. Guiding Visitors

We have used SleekBoxes with competitions, and we are now using them without any giveaways.

Besides that, we also use SleekBoxes to ask our customers to air their opinion after a purchase at The feedback we get is very useful, and that SleekBox actually has a good conversion rate as our visitors give a lot of responses.

“What’s way more interesting is that the open rate on our newsletter has increased considerably since we implemented Sleeknote.”
Casper Lengaard Nørrevang Sales and Marketing Assistant

How Was the Implementation of Sleeknote?

You write on your website that it is extremely user-friendly, and that you don’t need any graphic artist skills to use it – which is true.

We have used a graphic designer to do some pictures and images for us that we wanted on our SleekBoxes, but that is purely because we wanted the images to be of a high a quality as possible.

Generally, the experience has been great, and very user-friendly, and I have had no problem using the software with my limited design and technical knowledge.

What Is Your Favorite Sleeknote Feature?

The best feature is the dashboard. It is really important that you see the effect your SleekBox has. I love that you can see how many leads the SleekBox has generated, what the conversion rate is, and how many views it gets.

The dashboard also gives a good overview and basis for new SleekBoxes. You can see what worked in previous SleekBoxes by looking at the conversion rates. Generally, the dashboard is nice and manageable.

What Are Your Results with Sleeknote?

We get a lot more signups for our newsletter than we did before Sleeknote, which we also expected. What’s way more interesting is that the open rate on our newsletter has increased considerably since we implemented Sleeknote. We can’t measure if SleekBox affects this directly, but my assumption is that those who sign up via a SleekBox are relevant leads who would like to have our newsletter.

Describe Sleeknote with Three Words

User-friendly, manageable, and effective.

What Advice Would You Give Me, if I Were to Try Sleeknote?

First of all, you should contact Sleeknote and tell them what kind of business you have. Let Sleeknote tell you how your business can benefit from popups and how to use Sleeknote the best way possible for your kind of business.

The conversation with Sleeknote gives you some ideas about how to use Sleeknote, so the next step would be to sign up for a free trial, and create your first SleekBox.

How Has the Collaboration with Sleeknote Been?

The staff is friendly and helpful. If I have a question or need help, they are fast to answer.


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