How DFDS Got 6,500 Leads in 90 Days for Their Danish Site

How DFDS Got 6,500 Leads in 90 Days for Their Danish Site

About DFDS provides shipping and transport services in Europe. Over 8,000 freight customers rely on their ferry & port terminal services and flexible transport & logistics solutions. They also provide safe overnight and short sea ferry services to seven million passengers, many traveling in their own car.

Why Did You Choose Sleeknote and What Do You Use It for Today?

We chose Sleeknote as a part of our marketing automation strategy. We wanted to increase the basket size and collect more leads to work with and potentially convert those leads into customers.

Sleeknote is now implemented in about eight of our markets – the markets handle independently how much they use Sleeknote and for what. We have just made Sleeknote available to them, but we know that most of the markets use Sleeknote to collect signups for their newsletter.

Here is an example of the SleekBox that DFDS use on the Danish market. The SleekBox has been viewed +499,000 times and has acquired 15,247 leads which give a 3,1 % conversion rate.


What Are Your Results with Sleeknote?

Since the markets handle Sleeknote independently, it’s quite different what results they have achieved.

In the first 3 months of 2016, our Sleeknote on the UK-market has generated around 6,500 leads and has an average conversion rate of 3,2%.

“If you have many markets, you must keep in mind, that one size doesn’t fit all! They probably have many different ‘right’ ways to collect leads – listen to them and let them experiment.”
Rikke Gransøe Lange Group Marketing Director, DFDS

What Is Your Favorite Sleeknote Feature?

We know that the UK market has been very happy to use the A/B split testing function, as they have been testing out a lot of different models.

How Has the Collaboration with Sleeknote Been?

No remarks. The service has been excellent all the way through. The people behind Sleeknote have been great at staying in touch and listening to our needs.

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