How Løbeshop Used A/B Testing to Increase Conversions by 61.53%
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How Løbeshop Used A/B Testing to Increase Conversions by 61.53%

About Løbeshop has existed for 10 years and has always been a pure online business – just until recently, when they opened their first physical store. Løbeshop is the largest running specialist in Denmark, and the website is packed with everything from fitness equipment to running shoes – and loads of inspiration. They target Scandinavian customer base.

What Do They Use Sleeknote For?

They primarily use Sleknote to get signups for their newsletters. They also have a SleekBox popup in their basket to draw customer’s attention to their fitness membership.

Why Did You Choose to Use Sleeknote, and What Do You Use It for Today?

Actually, we wanted Sleeknote because one of the developers used to work for our developing company. No really, I am sure we would have ended up with Sleeknote anyway because we see how other people in the industry uses Sleeknote and how well it works for them. I think that when you see a popup, it’s either self-developed or Sleeknote. And it just works.

1. Samla in prenumeranter på nyhetsbrev

We primarily use Sleeknote to get signups for our newsletters – but we use it for a lot of other things as well. Just now, we have a popup in the basket, because we offer fitness memberships. It’s an excellent tool to make visitors focus on whatever you would like them to.

loebeshop sleekbox

What Results Have You Achieved?

We started out having a Sleeknote without pictures and just pure text. That had a conversion rate of 1,3%. After we redesigned it and added som photos, the conversion rate increased to 2,1%.

“It’s super simple to set up, the templates cover our needs well, and the option to set up different Sleeknotes on specific pages is great. Overall, the features are satisfying and easy to work with.”
Rolf Andersen Marknadschef och delägare

Describe Sleeknote with Three Words

Easy, effective and flexible.

What Is Your Favorite Sleeknote Function or Option?

It’s super simple to set up, the templates cover our needs well, and the option to set up different Sleeknotes on specific pages is excellent. Overall, the features are satisfying and easy to work with.

What Advice Would You Give to Those Who Consider Using Sleeknote?

Test different designs and phrases. There can be a huge difference in performance when you change little things.

How Has Your Cooperation with Sleeknote Been?

Back when we started, I was missing the function to have a box with a picture only and no call to actions or anything. I asked for that function, and the Sleeknote team then created that function. Since then, I have primarily used the chat function and haven’t experienced any problems.


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