How MSF Used Sleeknote to Recruit 182 Volunteers (in Only 14 Days)

How MSF Used Sleeknote to Recruit 182 Volunteers (in Only 14 Days)

About Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is the world’s leading independent international medical relief organization, implementing and managing medical projects in close to 70 countries worldwide and as a worldwide movement of 33 offices and associations. Their work focuses on emergency medical and humanitarian relief. They implement our medical programs in areas where no health or sanitary systems exist, or where health structures are overwhelmed by the needs of populations.

What Do You Use Sleeknote for Today?

1. Samla in prenumeranter på nyhetsbrev

At the moment we are mainly using Sleeknote to get our visitors to sign up for our monthly newsletter. We use the SleekBox opt-in forms as they are very easy to implement and require no coding.

2. Volunteer Sign-Ups

Moreover, we also used SleekBoxes doing our annual national door-to-door collection. One of our challenges was that some visitors left our sign-up form without signing up. As 90% of our traffic came in a timespan of two weeks, it was not possible to set up a proper A/B-test. By using a SleekBox saying “Do you need help with signing up? Leave your number and we will call you” we had an alternative solution to our problem.

The SleekBox gave us a lot of registrations, we otherwise would have failed to collect without Sleeknote. It was viewed 4443 times before we disabled it again, and gave us 182 new registrations which resulted in a conversion rate of 4,1%. Considering that each collector on average collected more than a 1,000,- on that day, a quick calculation would be that Sleeknote potentially helped us collect 182,000,- which are used saving lives every day.

What Is the Best Thing about Sleeknote?

Sleeknote is very user-friendly, which means that you are able to test new ideas in no time.

Moreover, SleekBoxes can also be useful to direct visitors to specific pages on your website that normally would be hard to find. By doing that, it’s possible to raise awareness on specific causes in a given period.

“Sleeknote can be used for so much more than just email subscription and lead generation.”
Rasmus Himmelstrup Digital Officer, Médecins Sans Frontiéres

What Would You Recommend, if I Were to Try Sleeknote?

Just get started, it’s so easy to implement.

Also, try to consider alternative ways in which Sleeknote can be used. It can be used for so much more than just email subscription and lead generation. For instance, Sleeknote can also be used to provide visitors with useful information, like a help box, or it can be used to redirect visitors to other pages on your website – e.g. during a campaign.

How Has the Collaboration with Sleeknote Been?

The support team has been really helpful – both in email and on phone. I’ve called the customer support one time, and the agent I talked to understood my problem and provided a solution quickly. In general, he was super helpful so I only have good experiences with Sleeknote.


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