How Nordic Race Generated Leads And Enhanced Their On-Site Experience Using Sleeknote
nordic race hero

How Nordic Race Generated Leads And Enhanced Their On-Site Experience Using Sleeknote

About Nordic Race is a Danish company that has built a strong reputation as the most professional obstacle course racing provider. Their close contact with customers ensures their events get better with each iteration, which turned their brand into a quality stamp in the Nordic region. With an international format, Nordic Race’s network and reach within the sports and health industry are expanding rapidly.

You Have to Run to Stay in Place

Nordic Race had an extensive online marketing strategy, covering everything from SEO to Facebook and Google Ads, with their yearly growth standing testament to its success. In spite of its effectiveness, the trend of increasing prices for paid online advertising made Jonas Elming, a partner for Nordic Race, consider more cost-effective alternatives.

He found the answer to be email marketing, as it is one of the most cost-effective channels for Nordic Race. For this initiative to succeed, signing up website visitors to their newsletter became a priority. The first step was improving the on-page conversion rate. Furthermore, they also needed to improve the user experience on their site. As Nordic Race offers a complex product, their pages are generally filled with information, which can make navigating the website difficult for newcomers.

Getting Newsletter Subscribers

Nordic Race’s user journey started with a sign-up form. They chose Sleeknote for its application programming interface (API) with MailChimp and the various triggers “which made sure we didn’t annoy our visitors,” Jonas explained.

“We spent a lot of resources on getting visitors to our site and Sleeknote helped us hold on to them. Or even better, converted them to consumers on the spot.”
Jonas Elming Partner

Enhancing the Online Experience

Nordic Race’s website showcases their complex service package in detail. Because of this, the user journey often involves navigating subpages and various menus, which make it difficult to see their call-to-action (CTA).

The solution to this was elegant, as Jonas explained it: “Through Sleeknote, our visitors always have a ‘Buy Now’ option in the corner of the screen. Our conversion rates increased since implementing this.” Furthermore, they also use a SleekBox to offer quick access to their upcoming events’ pages on their home page.


In addition to CTAs, special offers, news, and promotions can also get lost through the subpages and menus, so Nordic Race implemented a SleekBar at the top of their website featuring their latest offerings.


Aside from showcasing the latest offerings, this type of SleekBar also ensures returning visitors know that the website is up to date.

“Sixty-five percent of our traffic comes from mobile, therefore we spend a lot of time to make sure that mobile visitors also have a good experience,” Jonas told me. This makes the issue even more complicated, as smaller screens require a different approach to displaying information. Their solution came in the form of the following SleekBox.


“Popups on mobile are more annoying than on desktops, so we keep our mobile campaigns as simple as possible, often using different triggers,” Jonas told me. These triggers ensure that rather than simply taking up screen real estate at all time, Nordic Race’s on-site messages improved the user experience at the right time.

“Sleeknote is by far the part of my company’s marketing where I have seen the best results for the least amount of effort. ”
Jonas Elming Partner

Final Thoughts

With the rising prices of online advertising, efficient alternatives such as email marketing have become more relevant. Leveraging traffic you already have is often all it takes to be successful with this channel, as people on your site are already interested in what you offer.

Nordic Race knows this, and by implementing on-site messages they were able to not only gain more email permissions but also improve the on-site experience for new visitors and increase their visitor-to-customer conversion rates.


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