How ProfitMetrics Turn Visitors Into Quality Leads

How ProfitMetrics Turn Visitors Into Quality Leads

About ProfitMetrics helps B2C companies measure their actual profitability of paid advertising. Founder, Frederik, wants e-commerce owners to have transparency when it comes to advertising, to stop non-profit ads, and ensure that they spend money on ads that drive profit and not just turnover. ProfitMetrics gives e-commerce owners an overview of their earnings on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

The Challenge

ProfitMetrics faced a lot of the same challenges as many other B2B businesses. They wanted to collect more leads—and convert those leads into customers—but didn’t have the time or resources to do so.

ProfitMetrics knew how important email marketing is, but lacked the time to properly map out email flows and figure out where to start. Frederik has been in the online industry for many years and was already collecting a lot of leads, but he wanted Sleeknote to give his lead generation a boost. 

“The game-changer for me was the many years of experience Sleeknote has with popups, lead generation, and email marketing.”
Frederik Boysen CEO of ProfitMetrics

For Frederik, it was important that he knew the people who would be doing the work for him. He had already seen the work of both Sleeknotes CMO, Emil Kristensen, and their Head of Email Marketing, Rikke Thomsen. He knew that they had the skills to implement a solid email marketing strategy, which was exactly what ProfitMetrics needed.

The Collaboration

“The whole process was very smooth and was customized to fit my schedule and my terms. I was briefed along the way on the progress, which gave me peace of mind to know that everything was taken care of.”
Frederik Boysen CEO of ProfitMetrics

Whenever we needed Frederik to approve or give feedback on our initiatives, we just sent him an email or scheduled a quick call. 

Frederik had some reservations about the price of our services to begin with but knew that the investment would pay off. In Frederik’s own words:

“Sleeknote provides the skills and knowledge that I don’t have. A huge benefit for me is the many years of experience Sleeknote has with lead generation and email marketing.”
Frederik Boysen CEO of ProfitMetrics

Plus, ProfitMetrics is a SaaS company just like Sleeknote, which reassured Frederik that we could understand his business and its audience.

Frederik wanted to get a solid foundation for his email marketing, and most important of all, he wanted to automate the process to free up more time for him to do what he does best. With that in mind, we set up two automated email workflows for ProfitMetrics. One to welcome new subscribers and educate them about ROAS and ad spending, and one to help users get the most out of their free ProfitMetrics trial—and turn more free trials into paying customers.

How ProfitMetrics Collects Valuable Feedback

One of the first SleekBoxes we implemented on was an Exit-Intent SleekBox that collects feedback from visitors leaving the site. The SleekBox asks why people visited the site, and what they expected ProfitMetrics might be able to help them with. This gives Frederik some good insights he can use to add small tweaks and optimize the site. 

Exit-intent survey profitmetrics

The Design Process

Having Sleeknote design the popups for him was also one of the reasons why Frederik chose Sleeknote.

“I could easily pay a designer to design the popups for me, but that would be unnecessary money spent when Sleeknote knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to popups.”
Frederik Boysen CEO of ProfitMetrics

Best Performing Campaign

ProfitMetrics has a lot of success with its “Test din ROAS” campaign.

Profitmetrics test din roas

This SleekBox promotes a ROAS calculator and has a conversation rate of 4.86%. Frederik wanted to make it easy for site visitors to calculate their ROAS and see if their paid ads are generating actual profit. Once a visitor has calculated their ROAS, they get the results by email, giving Frederik and ProfitMetrics a really good sales lead. Frederik was also surprised to know that most of his visitors come from desktop because his understanding was that most customers start their journey on mobile.

The Results

Frederik also wanted to get more demo bookings. We implemented a demo booking popup on the site where visitors can book a demo with Frederik personally. The results so far have been very promising with a conversion rate of 10%.

They recently created an A/B test to see if a top bar without an eBook offer would outperform their slide-in with the eBook offer.

This is the top bar:

Profitmetrics Book Demo

Eftersom Frederik visste att man måste erbjuda värde för att få folk att registrera sig för ett nyhetsbrev kom han på idén att erbjuda en värdefull resurs i utbyte mot en e-postadress (resursen heter "How to increase your bottom line by 242% without increasing your marketing spend"). Vi skapade en SleekBox för leadgenerering med det här erbjudandet, som i skrivande stund har en konverteringsgrad på 3,25%.

ProfitMetrics Lead Generation

Final Thoughts

By implementing Sleeknote on their site, ProfitMetrics have been able to better understand what their customers want from their site. It has also given them the opportunity to engage with their customers and provide them with relevant content.

“I’ve been very satisfied with the outcome of this collaboration. The whole experience has been on my terms, and it has given me the freedom to focus all my energy on growing ProfitMetrics and providing outstanding service to our customers.”
Frederik Boysen CEO of ProfitMetrics
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