How Teeshoppen Increased Sales by 300%
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How Teeshoppen Increased Sales by 300%

About Teeshoppen sells basic clothing of high quality for prices that all students can afford. Their goal is to make the State Education Funds last longer for students. Teeshoppen’s target group is very broad. They have clothes for five-year-olds but also have sold 1000 t-shirts to the Danish Home Guard. The concept is built around package deals, which means that it’s always cheaper to buy more than one T-shirt. Furthermore, they have 101 days return policy on all of their products and around 65,000 monthly sessions on their website.

Why Did You Choose Sleeknote?

Sleeknote is simply the best. We researched the different options on Google, and Sleeknote just appealed to us. A colleague of mine had also followed Mogens Møller (CEO of Sleeknote) and knew that Mogens really knows what he’s doing. So it was, in fact, Mogens’ personal brand that made the decision for us. He is a quality stamp for Sleeknote.

We have later discovered how user-friendly the product is, and that your customer service is great.

How Was the Implementation of Sleeknote?

It was really easy because Sleeknote did it for us. We wanted to get started quickly, and Sleeknote offered to do the implementation for us, so we gladly accepted that offer.

This way we make our SleekBoxes much more personal, and it doesn’t really take much extra time to set it up like this.

What Do They Use Sleeknote For?

1. Ökad försäljning

It depends on what mood we’re in. By that I mean, if we’re aggressive in our sales methods, we might make a more aggressive SleekBox, to make sure that our visitors don’t miss our offer. An example could be to inform our visitors that it is much cheaper to buy more tees.

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2. Collecting Leads

Other times, we use it to generate leads, through competitions for example. We usually don’t use these at the same time as a SleekBox with sales, or discounts.

Here’s an example of a SleekBox on Teeshoppen’s website:

teeshoppen sleekbox 2

3. Providing Customer Service

We also have specific SleekBoxes for specific pages on our site. These work as a service to our visitors. We use them to ask if they need help, or if they have any questions regarding a specific product.

So basically, we use Sleeknote to collect emails and to provide good customer service. The cool thing about Sleeknote is that you can use it for pretty much anything – The only limit is your imagination.

What Is Your Favorite Sleeknote Feature?

I think it’s really cool that you can decide how many times a visitor should see your SleekBox. Also, the integration with MailChimp is really awesome, because you don’t need to be an IT expert to make it work.

I often use my iPad or phone to set up new SleekBoxes, and that works really well too.

Another great feature is the option to activate a SleekBoxes at a specific time and date. We try to segment as much as possible with Sleeknote, and if we, for example, run a campaign with free shipping on one specific day, we can create different SleekBoxes depending on the time of day. So from 7am-10am, we have a SleekBox with the text: “Goodmorning. If you shop before 12 pm today, you get free shipping”. From 12pm-6pm: “Hey, hope you’re having a great day. Today we’ll pay for your shipping”. Then at night, we have one saying: “Good evening night owls – shop before everyone else, and get free shipping (the offer is valid until 7 am)”.

This way we make our SleekBoxes much more personal, and it doesn’t really take much extra time to set it up like this.

When Teeshoppen ran a campaign with a SleekBox promoting their package deals, they increased their sales by around 300% compared to the previous period.


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