Increase Your Conversion Rates with A/B Split Testing


Increase Your Conversion Rates with A/B Split Testing

Increase Your Conversion Rates with A B Split Testing

Why Use A/B Split Testing?

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Test each element of your campaign

Always have the best performing campaigns on your site for more conversions

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Get real-time, actionable results to guide your conversion strategy

Convert visitors into qualified leads and customers without hurting the user experience

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Continuously increase your conversion rates in just a few clicks

Use data in real-time to inform your decisions about what to improve

A/B split testing is the single most effective way of finding out which messages your visitors respond best to

When you split test your SleekBoxes, you’ll quickly see which performs better with your audience.

Test fonts, colors, input fields, images, sizes, shapes, triggers, conditions, and more to increase conversion rates, and ensure you always have the highest performing SleekBoxes on your site.

With A/B testing you get real-time, factual, and actionable results that tell you what SleekBox your audience responds better to. This gives you the insights to create a more effective marketing strategy across all channels.

A/B testing helps you avoid unnecessary guesswork and gives you the results to make data-driven decisions quickly instead of going on gut-feeling.

It’s not a question of whether split testing your SleekBoxes will increase conversion rates—it’s a question of how much it will increase them.

How Does A/B Split Testing Work?

Our A/B testing is based on the three most important metrics when it comes to conversion rate optimization: Views, clicks, and conversion rate.

You decide which elements to test and how long the test should run for, and once it’s activated our signature technology will give you results in real-time.

When you set up a split test with two SleekBoxes, our technology tracks how many visitors see your SleekBoxes and out of those how many click your call-to-action. This helps determine which SleekBox has the highest conversion rate.

A/B testing can have a large impact on the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Narrowing down the most effective elements of your SleekBoxes, and then combining them can make your marketing efforts more profitable and successful.

Skyrocket Conversion Rates

Skyrocket Conversion Rates

The only way to figure out what messages your audience respond best to is to test. Test every element of your SleekBoxes to find the perfect high-converting recipe.

Simple Setup

Simple Setup

You can have your first A/B split test running in just five clicks. Choose the two campaigns you want to test and you’re ready to activate your test.

Real-time analytics

Real-time analytics

During the time your split test is running, we’ll update your results in real time, so you’re always up to date with actionable data.


Indsaml e-mailadresser

Turn visitors into quality leads for your email marketing with our product Collect Email Addresses. Split test different elements to find the magic combination of input fields, incentives, colors, and more for higher conversions.

Indsaml e-mailadresser
Pernille Bager Ganderup E-Commerce Manager, Livingshop
“We use A/B split testing a lot to find out what works and what doesn’t. The trick is to only make small changes so you always have an overview of what makes the difference in your SleekBox.”

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Øg salget af produkter

Drive more revenue from existing products by promoting popular best-sellers, upselling relevant offers, and much more. Test which offers work best on specific pages with A/B split testing.

Øg salget af produkter
Sillas Sixten Højgaard Larsen Co-Founder, Wallstickerland
“Split test as soon as possible. Test as much as possible and don’t be afraid to test different things – even if you’re doubtful that it will work, because maybe it will.”

Read the story →


Kom i kontakt med besøgende

Not sure if you should invite visitors to get in touch on your about page or your product pages? Split test two identical forms on two different pages to find the optimal touch point for your visitors.

Kom i kontakt med besøgende
Erlend Vognild Marketing, Vertical Playground
“Use the A/B Split test function right away! Today we know a lot more about what kind of opt-ins our customers like, than we did the first time we used Sleeknote.”

Read the story →

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