Sådan brugte Wallstickerland A/B-test til at øge konverteringerne med 17%.
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Sådan brugte Wallstickerland A/B-test til at øge konverteringerne med 17%.

About Wallstickerland is a Danish e-commerce established in August 2014. They specialize in designing, producing and selling wall stickers. They sell to both B2B and B2C customers, mainly in Denmark but also on the rest of the Scandinavian market. Their mission statement: “We want to make the Scandinavian homes more beautiful and add positive energy through our wall stickers”.

What Do They Use Sleeknote For?

Wallstickerland uses Sleeknote to collect signups for their newsletter, but they have it on their to-do list to try out other SleekBox features.

Why Did You Choose Sleeknote and What Do You Use It for Today?

Back in 2014 when Wallstickeland was founded and the company was in its beginning phase, we decided to sign up for a free trial for Sleeknote, and test it as a part of our on-page lead generation. I was positively surprised by how many of our users that actually signed up for our competition through a SleekBox, and it quickly proved its worth as being a very good investment. We’ve been satisfied customers ever since.

Increase Newsletter Signups

Right now, we only use Sleeknote to collect signups for our newsletter, but I’ve seen some new features in the new editor that I want to try out. It’s on my to-do list to set up some new SleekBoxes and make use of the full potential Sleeknote has.

wallstickerland sleekbox
“Split test as soon as possible. Test as much as possible and don’t be afraid to test different things – even if you’re doubtful that it will work, because maybe it will.”
Sillas Sixten Højgaard Larsen Co-Founder

What Is Your Favorite Sleeknote Function or Option?

A/B Split testing.

We do that continuously and it enables us to develop and test our SleekBoxes. We often see a huge difference between the two hypotheses we test. A few months ago we tested if the SleekBox should be on the right or the left side of the screen. The test showed that we got 17% more signups when the SleekBox was on the right side, so now we know where to place our SleekBox next time.

What advice would you give me, if I were to try Sleeknote?

Split test as soon as possible. Test as much as possible and don’t be afraid to test different things – even if you’re doubtful that it will work, because maybe it will. And if it doesn’t you know that for next time.

It’s important that you do it continuously. Decide how long your test should last, or how many sessions it should be tested on. When the test is done, find something new to test.

How has the collaboration with Sleeknote been?

Some time ago we wrote to Sleeknote customer support because we thought Sleeknote had a bug. The support team then found out that the bug was on our own site and that Sleeknote wasn’t the cause. Still, they helped solve the problem on our own site. That’s what I call world class customer service.


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