Features – Custom Code

Custom code ⚙️

Customize Your Popups with HTML, CSS, and Javascript

Embed third-party widgets, forms, quizzes—and anything else you can imagine—into your website popups without any coding skills.

What is Custom Code?

Custom code allows you to add dynamic elements to your popups, such as a calendar, chatbot, or social media feed, by copying and pasting a piece of code.

Custom code is just another drag-and-drop element—and it’s as easy as adding an image to your popups. No technical setup or complicated integration needed.


Book Meetings 🗓

Invite website visitors to book a meeting, appointment, or product demo directly in your popups by using a calendar widget, such as Calendly, 10to8, or HubSpot Sales Hub.

Schedule more meetings at the perfect time without sending potential customers to a landing page.


Showcase Testimonials ✍️

Do you have a lot of reviews on Trustpilot? Are you an absolute star on TripAdvisor?

Embed your favorite testimonial widget into your popups and use social proof to persuade shoppers—on autopilot.

custom code testimonials


Run Surveys and Quizzes ❓

Do you have a lot of questions to ask to website visitors? Add dynamic forms and surveys to your popups and ask all your questions in one place.

Whether you’re using Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform, you can collect customer feedback in multiple steps, run product discovery quizzes, and much more with a few clicks.



Embed Your Social Feed 📸

Curate tweets from your happy customers, share your YouTube livestream, or invite visitors to follow you on Instagram.

Embed your social media feed into website popups and promote your marketing channels without being intrusive.


Use Interactive Maps 📍

Do you have physical stores, showrooms, or events nearby? Embed a map into your popup, and help your visitors easily locate you—without even leaving the page.

Geo-target your popups based on the visitors’ city, region, or country, and make sure people only see the relevant information in your popups.

And much more… 💡

  • Third-party product recommendations
  • Custom-made forms
  • Video platforms
  • Live chat widgets
  • Brochures and catalogs
  • Refer-a-friend tools
  • Documents and files
  • Audio players

Ready to Add Custom Code to Your Popups?

Use custom HTML, CSS, or Javascript to turn your popups into anything you want.

The best part? It takes a few clicks to get started.

Start your 14-day free trial and use custom code (and all Sleeknote features) without any limits.

More awesome features: Gamification, Product Recommendations, SiteData ConditionMultistep CampaignsSmart TriggersEmbed Videos, HTML ConditionClick TriggerMobile EditorAdvanced SchedulingAdvanced AnalyticsA/B Split Testing, Goal Tracking, and Exit-Intent.