Shave Hours Off Your Workload With Smart Triggers


Shave Hours Off Your Workload With Smart Triggers


 Use Smart Triggers?

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Let Smart Triggers find the ideal trigger for your website

Create a better user experience on your site without lifting a finger

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Save valuable time and resources with our signature algorithm

Pass the workload to the algorithm that becomes more intelligent over time

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Never worry about optimizing SleekBoxes again

Smart Triggers tests your SleekBox triggers 24/7 so you don’t have to

Tell Me If This Sounds Familiar…

If you’re like most e-commerce marketers, chances are you spend a ton of time optimizing across multiple tools and systems every day.

It requires time and resources that we simply don’t have (a life in marketing is a busy life, right?).

That’s where Smart Triggers comes to the rescue.

We developed an algorithm that continuously tests different triggers for your SleekBoxes based on 10+billion sessions to find the ideal trigger with the highest conversion rate specifically for your website.

That means you can convert website visitors into repeat customers on autopilot without having to optimize for higher conversions.

What is Smart Triggers?

Once you’ve activated Smart Triggers (that’s honestly the only thing you have to do yourself), the algorithm will automatically keep testing what SleekBox your visitors respond best to and ensure that the SleekBox with the highest-converting trigger is live at all times.

Test all kinds of triggers for your SleekBoxes:

  • Timed triggers
  • Scroll triggers
  • Manual triggers
  • Exit-intention

This means that every time a trigger is found to outperform other triggers, this trigger is used until another trigger outperforms it, and so on.

Even better:

The longer Smart Triggers is activated, the more intelligent it becomes.

Make all the changes you want to your website without having to worry about the conversion rates on your SleekBoxes.

Smart Triggers will base its tests on a constantly increasing amount of data. It will keep adjusting its choice of trigger to your website, its design, your visitors, and more, to ensure the best user experience on your site.

With Smart Triggers you can go to bed at night knowing you’re constantly increasing your conversion rates without having to lift a finger yourself.

Skyrocket Conversion Rates

Leave the Testing to Smart Triggers

Smart Triggers will continue to test triggers for your SleekBoxes as long as it’s active so you don’t have to.

Simple Setup

One-click Setup

In just one click, you can have Smart Triggers activated on your SleekBoxes. No complicated setup, just enable Smart Triggers in your SleekBox settings and you’re good to go.

Real-time analytics

Smart Triggers Only Gets Smarter

The longer you have Smart Triggers activated, the more intelligent it becomes. So just leave it to Smart Triggers to keep increasing your conversion rates.


Indsaml e-mailadresser

Turn visitors into quality leads for your email marketing with our product Collect Email Addresses. Combined with Smart Triggers, you’ll be generating leads on autopilot without having to lift a finger. Let Smart Triggers do the work for you.

Jesper Merrild
Jesper Merrild Marketing Manager, Højmark Rejser
“It’s an intuitive software system, which you can get interns to maintain and control — and it adds so much more value than what it costs.”

Read the story →


Vejled dine besøgende

Use Guide Your Visitors to show a custom message to potential customers and help them make a better purchase decision. Let Smart Triggers test if your message works best with a timed trigger, ar a scroll trigger, or any of our other triggers.

Janni Mørch Iversen Digital & SoMe Planner, Hummel
“We also use Sleeknote to redirect visitors to certain landing pages. This generates a lot of traffic to specific campaigns.”

Read the story →


Kom i kontakt med besøgende

Not sure when to invite visitors to get in touch with you? Let Smart Triggers find the most effective trigger for your contact box. That way you’ll have more time to connect with visitors who reach out instead of worrying about choosing the right triggers.

The Different Types of Contact Forms and Their Benefits 3
Majbitt Lund baggrund
Majbritt Lund Founder,
“I also use Sleeknote as a contact box, and that has actually been very successful. The contact box shows reliability and openness, which is an important factor for my business and my customers.”

Read the story →

Ready to try Smart Triggers?

Smart Triggers will shave hours off of your workload (and make it way easier for you to target website visitors and turn them into repeat customers).

Now there’s only one thing left to do…

Start your 7 days free trial, and schedule the right messages to be shown at the right time to the right people.

More awesome features: Gamification, Product Recommendations, SiteData ConditionMultistep CampaignsGeo-Targeting, Countdown TimerEmbed Videos, Click TriggerHTML ConditionMobile EditorAdvanced SchedulingAdvanced AnalyticsA/B Split Testing, Goal Tracking, Custom Code, and Exit-Intent.

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