Features – Embed Video

VIDEO Popups 🎥

Embed Videos in Your Popups With One Click

Drag, drop, and add a link. Insert videos into your website popups without any coding. Create high-converting video popups in minutes.

Meet Video Popups 👋

Most things are difficult to explain in writing—especially in e-commerce.

Promote your products, offer detailed guides, or use personalized calls to action with timely, eye-catching video popups.

Drag and drop the video element onto your popup and insert your link. No coding or technical setup needed.


Personalize Your Popups

Whether you’re announcing that your physical stores are open again or sending out a service message from your support team, personalize your popups with a video.

Struggling with cart abandonment? Answer frequently asked questions and handle common objections to buying—human-to-human.


Explain Complex Products

Online shopping is risky. Use video popups to ease shoppers’ minds. Go beyond words and explain complicated products in simple terms.

How would a sales assistant explain your products in a physical store? Say that with video popups and help visitors make better buying decisions.


Offer Video Guides

No matter physical or digital, most products are difficult to showcase with plain images. Embed a quick video guide to your popups to show your products in action.

What’s your ring size? How to find the perfect pillow for your neck problems? Whatever products you’re selling, offer video guides to your visitors and show them at the perfect time.


Promote Video Content

Are you running any webinars? Do you offer video courses? Don’t wait until your visitors end up on your landing pages.

Tease your videos in your popups and promote your video content all around your website.

Ready to Add Videos to Your Popups?

Embed videos from YouTube, Wistia, Vimeo, or any other platform directly into your website popups.

The best part? It takes a few clicks to get started.

Start your 14-day free trial and use the video element (and all Sleeknote features) without any limits.

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HTML ConditionClick TriggerMobile EditorAdvanced Scheduling

Advanced AnalyticsA/B Split Testing, Goal Tracking, Custom Code, and Exit-Intent.