Features – Goal Tracking

Goal trackıng 🕵️‍♀️

Measure Your Popups’ Impact on Key Metrics

Track how visitors behave after seeing your popups and measure your popups’ influence on your conversion goals.

What is Goal Tracking? 🎯

With goal tracking, you can follow how many visitors end up in a URL or complete an action after seeing your popups. For example, you can track how many people place an order after seeing one of your popups during their visit.

Goal tracking makes your popups an integrated part of your marketing. Now you can go beyond simple numbers and measure your popups’ impact on your most important metrics, such as product impressions, sales conversions, and more.

Goal example

Product Viewed 👀

Set up a goal for your product page URLs and track how many people view those pages after seeing one of your popups.

Want to track specific product impressions? Send a Javascript event every time a visitor sees a product from a certain category, size, or variant and use it as a conversion goal.

Ideal if you’re trying to send more traffic to your product pages or running brand-specific campaigns around your store.

Sporing af mål

goal example

Added to Cart 🛒

How many percent of your visitors add a product to their cart after they see a popup?

Send add to cart events to your Sleeknote account and learn how visitors behave after seeing your popups.

It’s perfect if you’re using product recommendation popups and aiming to increase your customers’ average basket size.

Sporing af mål

goal example

Checkout Visited 💸

Do your size guide popups help visitors make better decisions? Does your return policy reminder convince potential customers to move to checkout?

Use your checkout URL as a goal and measure how many shoppers proceed to checkout after seeing your popups.

Sporing af mål

goal example

Order Placed ✔️

How do popups contribute to your revenue? Now you know the answer.

Track how many visitors complete an order after they see one of your popups.

Whether you’re running site-wide sales promotions or offering help with your popups, track this goal to understand the monetary value of your popups.

Sporing af mål

Ready to Track Your First Goal?

Use goal tracking to improve your conversions based on visitor behavior.

The best part? It takes a few clicks to get started.

Start your 14-day free trial and use goal tracking (and all Sleeknote features) without any limits.

More awesome features: Gamification, Produktanbefalinger, SiteData ConditionKampagner i flere trinSmarte udløsereEmbed Videos, HTML-tilstandKlik på udløserenMobile EditorAdvanced Scheduling

Advanced AnalyticsA/B Split Testing, Custom Code, and Exit-Intent.