Features – Exit-Intent

Exit-ıntent ✋

Turn Abandoning Visitors Into Customers

Detect when visitors are about to leave your website and turn them into email subscribers and customers with compelling exit-intent popups.

Exit-intent feature page

What is Exit-Intent? 🚦

Exit-intent is a technology that detects when a visitor moves their cursor above the browser window. With our one-click exit-intent setup, you can trigger a popup at the exact moment a visitor is about to leave your site.

Exit-intent popups are ideal for convincing visitors to stay on your site, submit their email addresses, or complete their purchases.



Collect Email Addresses 💌

Invite visitors to sign up for your newsletter before they leave your site. Grow your email list with quality subscribers that are interested in your offers.

Promote your weekly newsletter, run a giveaway, or simply promise to keep visitors notified when the products they’re viewing go on sale.

Exit-Intent Popup Collect Email Addresses


Remind Discounts and Incentives 🏷

Are you offering a welcome discount to new signups? Or running a big clearance sale? Remind abandoning visitors about your current offers and incentives before they leave the page.

Invite shoppers to grab a discount code, order free samples, or visit your sale pages.

Exit-Intent Discount Popup


Prevent Cart Abandonment 💸

Detect when visitors are about to leave their carts behind and convince them to finish their purchase with a personalized exit-intent popup.

Show the right incentives based on the visitor’s location, cart value, and much more. Recover lost sales the right way.

Exit-Intent Prevent Cart Abandonment With Free Shipping


Recommend Alternative Products 👕

You can’t convince all visitors with a discount code. But you can recommend them alternative products based on what they viewed during their visit.

Or take the safe approach: Guide abandoning visitors’ back to your bestsellers and help them keep shopping with one click.

Exit-Intent Product Recommendation Popup


Gather Visitor Feedback 🙋‍♀️

Do you have pages with a high bounce rate? Ask visitors why they’re leaving your site and collect valuable visitor feedback.

You can also embed dynamic surveys in your exit popups and get in-depth answers without overwhelming abandoning visitors.

Exit-Intent Collect Feedback Popup

Ready to Create an Exit-Intent Popup?

Turn abandoning visitors into email subscribers and customers with well-timed exit popups.

The best part? It takes a few clicks to get started.

Start your 14-day free trial and use exit-intent (and all Sleeknote features) without any limits.

More awesome features: Gamification, Produktanbefalinger, SiteData ConditionKampagner i flere trinSmarte udløsereEmbed Videos, HTML-tilstandKlik på udløserenMobile EditorAdvanced SchedulingAvanceret analyseA/B-splittestning, Goal Tracking, and Custom Code.