Target Visitors Based on Location

Geo-targetıng 🌎

Target Your Visitors Based on Location

Show or hide your website popups based on a visitor’s city, region, or country. Make sure that your messages always reach the right people.

Use Geo-Targeting on Your Website

Wondering how you can use geo-targeting for your business? Let us walk you through geo-targeting and other relevant Sleeknote features, and showcase how you can grow your business with personalized popups.

(Or start your 14-day free trial and use geo-targeting on your site right away.)


Send Visitors to the Right Store

Running websites in multiple markets? Use geo-targeted popups to detect a visitor’s location and guide them to the right store.

No more confused visitors on wrong domains. No more language barriers and currency conversions. 🤯


Give Relevant Shipping Information

Unexpected shipping costs are among the top reasons for cart abandonment. Inform visitors of your delivery options—specifically for their country.

Set expectations for when their packages will arrive at their country or promote your country-specific shipping offers.


Grow a Segmented Email List

Your winter collection may not be relevant for Australian visitors in January. Your offers in London may not be a big hit in Paris.

Personalize your popup copy dynamically with the visitor’s location and attract only relevant subscribers.


Reach Visitors From a Specific Area

Running promotional campaigns for a city, region, or country only? Use geo-targeted popups to target website visitors coming from those locations.

Invite visitors to new store openings, special events, or in-store-only offers—that are close to their location.


Show Popups in a Local Language

Do you have a customer support team speaking another language? Or useful resources in the visitor’s local language? Use localized popups to make sure your prospects are aware of them.

Ideal for reaching new markets while providing exceptional support for your customers. 😉

Ready to Increase Your Conversion Rates?

Use geo-targeting to create personalized website popups.

The best part? It takes a few clicks to get started.

Start your 14 days free trial and create high-converting location-based popups on your site.

More awesome features: Gamification, Produktanbefalinger, SiteData ConditionKampagner i flere trinSmarte udløsereEmbed Videos, HTML-tilstandKlik på udløserenMobile EditorAdvanced SchedulingAvanceret analyseA/B-splittestning, Goal Tracking, Brugerdefineret kode, and Exit-Intent.