Mogens Guides – Checklist to Usability Tests

Checklist to Usability Tests


Your assignment is: To understand what the test subject is thinking.


Your role as the moderator must remain neutral, and you cannot affect the test subject in any way (no resigned sighs)


If you want to record the usability test for a colleague, boss or customer, you need to download a screen recording program, such as Camtasia, prior to the test. Remember to check if the microphone works.


If you use a Macbook, remember to have a regular extern mouse so people who don’t use Macbooks are able to use the mouse as well.


Open a new browser in Incognito, Private mode, etc. so your previous Google search history doesn’t affect the test, and there will be no saved items in the cart. Remember to start a new Incognito or Private session after each test.


Always have coffee or water ready for the participants.


Think about what you want to offer your test subjects in return for their participation. It could be a gift certificate for Amazon – almost everyone can use that. Or perhaps a gift certificate for your own online store.


If the test subject asks you questions, you answer:

– What do you think that means?
– Why do you think it works like that?
– What would you do if I wasn’t sitting here?


If the tests subject is surprised by something, you ask:

– Was that what you expected?


If the test subject seems worried that the test won’t prove useful, tell them:

– You’re doing a really good job
– I’m learning a lot here


Questions you will repeat during the test:

– What are you thinking?
– What are you looking at?
– What are you doing on the site now?

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