
Powerful Features for
E-Commerce Marketers


Get the Data You Need to Improve Your Conversions

It’s been said that “data is the new oil.” But data is only as good as the resources you have to refine it. We make it easy for smart, savvy marketers—like you—to get the insights you need to achieve the results you want.


Advanced Analytics Page

A dedicated page for your campaign analytics with in-depth data you can use to evaluate the performance of your campaigns.


Goal Tracking

Create goals for your campaigns (such as how many visitors see a campaign and then buy during their visit) and get the insights you need to improve their performance.


Split Testing

Create and A/B split test different headlines, images, copy, and more, to discover the best-performing campaigns that improve your conversions. The possibilities are endless.


SleekBox Performance Comparison

Review your campaigns’ performance against the goals you’re tracking to see which are driving the greatest conversions.

Google Tag Manager Events

Google Tag Manager Events

Connect Sleeknote with your favorite third-party applications via Google Tag Manager to get greater insight into your online marketing efforts.

Google Analytics Events

Google Analytics Events

Sleeknote automatically integrates with Google Analytics so you can track and measure your campaigns’ goals at any time.


Build Beautiful, Eye-Catching Messages Without The Need for a Developer

No one deserves ugly campaigns on their site. You’re no exception. Choose one of our stunning pre-made templates, tweak it to your preference, and start engaging your visitors with style.

Build Beautiful, Eye-Catching Messages Without The Need for a Developer
Customizable Templates

Customizable Templates

Create beautiful, eye-catching forms that are consistent with the look and feel of your website (without the need for a developer).

Multiple Positions

Multiple Positions

Catch visitors’ attention by showing your campaigns in different screen positions (without hurting the user experience).



Ensure your campaigns are user-friendly by showing them to visitors as a preview, first, before showing them the full-size version.



Show visitors the full content of your campaigns. Customize everything down to minute detail to ensure it meets your conversion goals.

Success Message

Success Message

Increase the user experience on your site by thanking visitors who sign up for your newsletter, answer a survey or otherwise engage with your campaign.



Create a Google-friendly campaign for mobile-only. Show visitors a “teaser”, first, before showing them your campaign’s message.



Use our signature desktop editor to create beautiful, eye-catching campaigns that align with the look and feel of your website.

Unlink Events

Unlink Events

Want a mobile-specific campaign? No problem. Unlink the elements you want to look different for mobile and customize them in the two versions independent to each other.

Multistep Campaigns

Multistep Campaigns

With our multistep campaign, you can ask for visitor information in multiple steps so they don’t get scared off by too many input fields.

Countdown Timer

Countdown Timer

Adding a countdown timer to your campaigns is a great way to add scarcity to your offers. That means higher conversion rates and more money in the bank.

Product Recommendations

Product Recommendations

Add dynamic product recommendations to your campaigns and create the most personalized shopping experience for your visitors. Perfect for increasing revenue without being intrusive.

Embed Videos

Insert YouTube videos into your website popups with one click. Promote new arrivals, explain complex products, offer video guidance, or add tutorials to your popups.

custom code

Custom Code

Embed third-party widgets and interactive elements into your website popups by using custom HTML, CSS, or Javascript.

Sleeknote AI Text Optimizer

Boost your messaging effortlessly with our AI-powered feature. It helps you refine, translate, and optimize your text for better engagement and conversions.

Interactive Elements

Radio Buttons

Invite visitors to choose one of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options when completing a survey, submitting a booking, and more.

Customizable Input Fields

Choose the information to collect such as name, email address, gender, and more. Add or remove as many elements as you want, depending on your engagement goal.

Numeric Input Fields

Capture important numeric information from visitors such as telephone number, company size, and more.


Give visitors the option to mark checkboxes when completing a form such as signing agreements and more.


Too many options to choose from? Use our drop-down menu to save valuable space on your form.

Text Area

Collect actionable feedback from visitors by adding a text area to your campaign. Perfect for collecting qualitative data.

Call-to-Action Buttons

Invite visitors to join your newsletter, browse best-sellers and leave product reviews by adding a beautiful, eye-catching call-to-action to your campaigns.

Date Input Field

Collect birthdays and other important dates from your visitors with a customizable date input field.

Merge Tags

Use merge tags to dynamically update your popup copy with real-time data, such as day of the week, the visitor’s country, or basket size.

Phone Input Field

Collect visitors’ phone numbers in your popups and send them to your CRM in the correct format. Collect numbers for SMS campaigns, get warm leads for your Sales team, or offer better support in your contact popups.

Telephone Links

Link to phone numbers in your popups’ text fields and buttons to create clickable phone numbers. When visitors click your link, they can directly start a call from their devices.

Coupon Codes

Allow your customers to copy the codes in your popups with one click. Let shoppers quickly copy your coupon codes and use them at checkout.

Spin to Win

Add a customizable wheel of fortune to your popups, offering visitors a chance to win prizes. Control the prize options and win rates.

Daily Offers

Let visitors sign up for daily rewards, perfect for events like Black Friday, advent calendars, or weekend sales.


Create engaging quizzes to collect zero-party data, segment audiences, and tailor email marketing flows based on responses.

Scratch to Win

Add a scratch card to your popups, offering instant prizes to boost lead collection, engagement, and conversions.

Seasonal Calendar

Encourage daily engagement with customizable calendars, revealing new content or rewards each day during key events like Christmas or Black Week.

Design Elements

Close Buttons

Ensure your campaigns are user-friendly by giving visitors the option to close it at any time with our customizable close buttons.

Text Elements

Communicate what matters with our design-friendly textbox. Decide character length, font, size, color, and other styling preferences for maximum engagement.

Background Image

No two campaigns are alike. Give yours a branded touch by adding an image that matches the look and feel of your website.


Enhance the look and feel of your campaigns by separating or connecting elements using spacers. Create wider space between elements for great readability.


Group elements in columns or rows to customize background colors or images for specific parts of a campaign.

Floating Image

Catch your visitors’ attention by adding a floating image to your campaign and placing it where it’s most relevant.


Made a mistake when designing a campaign? No problem. Undo any accidental changes you make in the editor and rest in the knowledge your progress is always saved.

Custom Fonts

Upload custom fonts and use them across all your campaigns. Seamlessly align your on-site messages with your brand identity and website design.

Duplicate Elements

Duplicate your popup’s elements, such as text, input fields, or images with one click. Save time while creating website beautiful popups.


Segment Your Visitors Based on Behavior

No two visitors are alike. Each has their own needs, wants and preferences. Show the right messages to the right users at the right time using one of our many triggers and conditions. The options are limitless.

Segment Your Visitors Based on Behavior
SiteData Detection

SiteData Detection

With the SiteData detection condition, you can trigger your campaigns based on any data from your site. Trigger campaigns based on basket value, search queries, video content, and much more. If you have the data, you can trigger a campaign.

Smart Triggers

Smart Triggers

Increase your conversion rates on autopilot by enabling Smart Triggers: our signature algorithm that continuously tests—and optimizes—the right trigger for your website (based on more 10+ billion campaign sessions).

Exit-Intent Trigger

Exit-Intent Trigger

Convert abandoning visitors into subscribers the very moment they’re about to leave (and convert them into customers off-site).

Manual Trigger

Manual Trigger

Use JavaScript to create custom trigger events that suit your specific needs. If you can code it, you can create it.

Scroll Trigger

Scroll Trigger

Trigger your campaigns based on the exact percentage a visitor scrolls a page. Perfect for reducing wasted ad spends.

Scroll Trigger Trigger your campaigns based on the exact percentage a visitor scrolls a page. Perfect for reducing wasted ad spends.

Show Count

Keep returning visitors happy by limiting how often they’re shown a campaign.

Newsletter Subscriber

Newsletter Subscriber

No one likes an invite to join a newsletter when they’re already on it. Hide campaigns from existing subscribers to prevent annoying returning visitors.

New Visitor

First impressions count. Welcome new visitors with personalized, branded-campaigns to create a memorable first impression.


Trigger messages based on journey-specific pages. Perfect for showing campaigns who go through a specific URL path like a referral page.

Page-Level Targeting

Want to hide or exclude a message on a certain page like a checkout page or a blog post? Then page-level targeting is for you.

Specific Referral

Expecting a ton of referral traffic from another website? Create a personalized on-page message for only that traffic source.

Specific Cookie

Target cookie-specific segments of your audience such as retargeting visitors who abandoned their cart before checking out.

Specific Query

Specific Query

Show or hide your campaigns based on specific URL queries.

UTM Campaign

UTM Campaign

Specify UTM parameters your visitors should follow to trigger a campaign. Enjoy unlimited parameters for all your specific needs.

Advanced Rule Engine

Advanced Rule Engine

Use our signature rule engine to show/hide conditions independent to each other (such as “show for referral traffic; hide for existing subscribers”).



Show relevant campaigns based on users’ locations to personalize your offers.

HTML Condition

HTML Condition

Trigger custom SleekBoxes based on the HTML content of a specific page. Enables you to customize messages to where your visitors are in your checkout flow.

Click Trigger

Click Trigger

Trigger campaigns on the class or ID of specific buttons. This is perfect for showing size guides on product pages without redirecting potential buyers to new pages.

Time-Activation Trigger

Time-Activation Trigger

Trigger campaigns after a certain amount of time to catch and convert visitors at the right time.


Impression Limit

Set an overall limit to how many times your campaigns will show in one session. Run multiple campaigns without compromising user experience.


IP Address

Show or hide your campaigns from visitors based on their IP address. Ideal for targeting specific companies or institutions with relevant popups.


Capture The Data That Matters

Lead generation isn’t about getting more leads; it’s about getting the right leads. Integrate Sleeknote with your favorite third-party apps to quickly and easily get the information you need and route it to the right team member.


Sleeknote integrates with your favorite third-party applications and automatically sends new leads to your preferred email service provider (ESP).

Custom Integration

Not using one of the major email service providers? No problem. Set up a custom integration of your own.

Fields Mapping

Got a new lead? Sleeknote will send the form field data to the mapped fields in your integration to your specifications.

Custom-Fields Mapping

Send custom data from your campaign to your integration. Perfect for determining popular signup sources on your website.

Store in Sleeknote

Get instant access to your lead data at any time. Log in, download a CSV file of what’s needed, and away you go.

Analytics and Summary Reports

Categorize conversations into topic-based message channels (e.g. refunds, feedback, etc.) for setting expectations or for routing to the right groups.

Input Field Validation

Add validation rules to your email and phone fields and allow/deny submissions to increase the quality of your leads.


Manage Your Campaigns to Your Specifications

As your company grows, so, too, do your number of campaigns. We make it easy for you to organize your campaigns whether you’re a fast-growing online store or a global online retailer.

Tag, Search & Filter

No one likes a cluttered dashboard. Tag campaigns for better organization and search by the number of leads, conversion rate, number of views and more.

Additional Users

Got a big team that needs access to your account? No problem. Add and remove users for each account as you please.

Super User

Work for an agency? Manage all your customers’ Sleeknote accounts in one place with our Super user account.

Partner Program

Earn 25% commission for life on all Sleeknote referrals for users who become customers. Win. Win.


And If That Wasn’t Enough…

Need to schedule a campaign in advance? Want updates on each new subscriber? No problem. We got you covered for that (and more).

Custom Z-Indexes

Have an element on your website that appears on top of your campaign? Add a higher z-index value to the form and we’ll take care of the rest.

One-Page Support

Got a one-page website? Use specific URL rules by enabling our URL Change Event Listener.

Email Notifications

Get email updates on new inbound leads. Perfect for responding to sales inquiries or customer feedback.

Scheduled Activation

Schedule holiday-specific campaigns to activate/deactivate ahead of time. Leave the laptop at home on vacation. We got you covered.

Try Sleeknote on Your Site 👋
Start a no-commitment 14-day free trial and enjoy all Sleeknote features on your website. (No credit card needed.)