How to Tell If a Website Is Powered by Shopify
By Sam Thomas Davies Head of Content
@ Sleeknote

The increasing popularity of e-commerce has led to the rise of various platforms that enable businesses to create and manage their online stores. Shopify has emerged as one of the leading e-commerce platforms, offering a range of features and functionalities to help entrepreneurs build successful online businesses. If you’re a savvy online shopper or a curious developer, you might find yourself wondering whether a website is powered by Shopify. In this article, we will explore various methods and techniques to identify if a website is using Shopify as its e-commerce platform.

Introduction to Shopify and its popularity in e-commerce

Shopify is a fully hosted e-commerce platform that allows businesses to set up online stores and sell products or services. Launched in 2006, Shopify has gained immense popularity due to its user-friendly interface, extensive range of themes and templates, and robust e-commerce features. Currently, Shopify powers over a million online stores across the globe, making it a dominant player in the e-commerce industry. Its reliable infrastructure, scalability, and comprehensive set of tools provide merchants with a powerful platform to build and grow their businesses.

Why it’s important to identify if a website is powered by Shopify

Knowing whether a website is powered by Shopify can be beneficial for both consumers and developers. From a consumer perspective, identifying a Shopify-powered website can provide insights into the platform’s user experience, payment options, and shipping policies. This information can help shoppers make informed decisions and have a hassle-free shopping experience. Developers, on the other hand, can gain valuable knowledge by analyzing Shopify websites, such as learning about popular themes, third-party integrations, and advanced features that can be leveraged in their own projects.

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Checking the website’s source code for Shopify clues

One of the easiest ways to determine if a website is powered by Shopify is by examining its source code. Shopify adds specific HTML comments to the source code, which can provide clear indications. By right-clicking on the webpage and selecting “View Page Source” or “Inspect” from the browser’s context menu, you can access the website’s source code. Look for HTML comments containing phrases like “Powered by Shopify” or “Shopify Theme” to confirm the usage of the platform.

Additionally, you may come across JavaScript files or scripts with “shopify” in their names, which further supports the assumption that the website is powered by Shopify. Keep in mind that some website owners may remove or modify these indications, so it’s important to consider other methods as well.

Identifying common Shopify themes and templates

Shopify offers a wide range of professionally designed themes and templates that merchants can use to customize the look and feel of their online stores. Certain themes are exclusive to the Shopify platform and can be easily recognized. By familiarizing yourself with the appearance and features of popular Shopify themes, you can identify common design elements shared by various Shopify-powered websites. Look for features like prominent search bars, minimized navigation menus, and distinct product listing layouts, as these are often indicative of a Shopify website.

If you suspect a website is powered by Shopify, you can use online tools or browser extensions that allow you to detect the theme being used. These tools can provide further insight into the website’s design choices and functionalities.

Analyzing the website’s URL structure for Shopify indicators

The URL structure of a website can also provide clues about its underlying e-commerce platform. Many Shopify-powered websites use specific URL patterns that contain keywords such as “collections,” “products,” or “pages.” For example, a URL like indicates that the website uses Shopify, as the “/collections/” segment is a common structure in Shopify URLs.

However, it’s important to note that not all Shopify websites follow this URL pattern. Some merchants may choose to customize their URLs or use third-party plugins that can modify the default structure, making it less reliable as a standalone identification method.

Recognizing Shopify-specific HTML and CSS classes

Shopify websites often use specific HTML and CSS classes that can help differentiate them from other e-commerce platforms. By inspecting the website’s code, you can search for unique class names associated with Shopify, such as “shopify-section,” “shopify-buy-button,” or “site-header__logo-link.” These classes are commonly used in Shopify themes and templates to style and structure various elements on the website.

Furthermore, you may come across CSS filenames containing the word “shopify” or referencing Shopify-specific assets. These references further confirm the usage of Shopify as the underlying platform.

Looking for typical Shopify checkout and payment pages

Another telltale sign of a website being powered by Shopify is the appearance of distinct checkout and payment pages. Shopify has a standardized checkout flow, which includes specific fields and steps that are consistent across all Shopify-powered websites. Look for pages that involve providing shipping and payment information and also display Shopify-specific elements such as the “Continue to Shipping” and “Continue to Payment” buttons.

In some cases, you can even find the word “checkout” appended to the website’s URL, indicating that you are on a Shopify checkout page. However, bear in mind that the appearance of checkout and payment pages may vary depending on the merchant’s customization choices, so it’s important to consider other indicators as well.

Using online tools to determine if a website is hosted on Shopify servers

Several online tools and services are available that can help you determine if a website is hosted on Shopify servers. These tools leverage various techniques like IP address detection, server analysis, and platform recognition algorithms to identify the underlying hosting infrastructure. By providing the website’s domain or URL, you can receive information about the hosting provider, including whether it is powered by Shopify or not.

While these tools can be helpful, always double-check the results by combining them with other identification methods, as false positives or negatives can occur.

Recognizing common features and functionalities of Shopify-powered websites

Shopify provides a robust set of features and functionalities that are commonly utilized by its merchants. By familiarizing yourself with these features, you can spot common patterns on websites that suggest they are powered by Shopify. Some notable examples include customer account creation, abandoned cart recovery, product reviews, discount codes, and social media integration. A website displaying one or more of these features is likely to be using Shopify.

Understanding the benefits of using Shopify as an e-commerce platform

While identifying whether a website is powered by Shopify can be an interesting exercise, it’s also important to understand the benefits that Shopify offers to its users. One of the key advantages is its ease of use, allowing even non-technical users to quickly set up and manage their online stores. Shopify provides a range of customizable themes, responsive design, search engine optimization tools, and built-in analytics, empowering entrepreneurs to create professional and successful e-commerce businesses.

Furthermore, Shopify offers various integrations and plugins that enable merchants to expand the functionality of their stores. With options for inventory management, email marketing, customer support, and third-party applications, Shopify provides a comprehensive ecosystem that supports the growth and success of online businesses.

Spotting common design elements specific to Shopify websites

Shopify-powered websites often share common design elements that can help in their identification. Look for subtle details like the layout of the homepage, the placement and design of the logo, and the structure of product pages. For example, many Shopify websites have a simple and minimalist design with prominent images and a focus on product visuals.

Pay attention to the arrangement of sections and blocks on the homepage. Shopify themes often have a modular approach, allowing merchants to easily rearrange and customize different content sections. By identifying these design elements, you can quickly recognize the telltale signs of a Shopify-powered website.

Investigating the website’s meta tags for possible Shopify references

Meta tags provide additional information about a webpage and are often used by search engines and social media platforms when displaying search results or sharing links. By inspecting the website’s meta tags, you may find references to Shopify or specific Shopify-related metadata. Look for meta tags like “shopify:digital-wallet” or “shopify:domain” with values indicating Shopify usage. While this method may not be foolproof, it can provide an additional clue in the identification process.

Examining the website’s robots.txt file for potential hints of Shopify usage

The robots.txt file is a text file located in the root directory of a website and is used to communicate with search engine bots. By accessing the website’s robots.txt file, you may find URL patterns or directives that indicate the usage of Shopify. Look for entries like “Disallow: /cart” or “Disallow: /checkout” that suggest the presence of Shopify-specific pages. However, keep in mind that not all websites have a robots.txt file or expose this information, so this method should be used in conjunction with other techniques.

Identifying typical SEO patterns found in Shopify sites

Shopify provides various built-in search engine optimization (SEO) features that optimize websites for better visibility in search engine results. Understanding these SEO patterns can help in identifying if a website is powered by Shopify. Look for characteristic elements like the website’s URL structure, which often contains product or collection keywords, and the presence of canonical tags, which indicate the preferred version of a webpage for search engines. Shopify also automatically generates XML sitemaps and provides options for customizing metadata, allowing merchants to optimize their websites for search engines.

Comparing the website’s performance with known benchmarks of Shopify sites

Shopify-powered websites generally have consistent performance characteristics due to the underlying infrastructure provided by the platform. By comparing a website’s performance, such as page load times, server response times, and overall responsiveness, with known benchmarks of Shopify sites, you can draw conclusions about its possible usage of the platform. Keep in mind that performance can be influenced by various factors, including third-party applications, customizations, and server configuration, so this method should be considered alongside other identification techniques.

Recognizing common third-party integrations often used by Shopify merchants

Shopify offers a wide range of third-party integrations through its app store, allowing merchants to extend the functionality of their stores. Identifying the presence of common integrations used by Shopify merchants can give strong indications that a website is powered by Shopify. Look for features like email marketing platforms (e.g., Mailchimp, Klaviyo), analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics), review systems (e.g., Yotpo,, and shipping solutions (e.g., ShipStation, Shippo). These integrations are often prominent on Shopify websites and can be used as additional evidence.

Analyzing the website’s structured data for signs of being powered by Shopify

Structured data, also known as schema markup, is used to provide search engines with additional information about the content on a webpage. Shopify automatically generates structured data that adheres to the standard, ensuring that product information is properly organized and understood by search engines. By inspecting the website’s structured data, you may find tags like “Product” or “WebPage” indicating that the website is powered by Shopify. However, it’s important to note that some merchants may remove or modify these tags, so this method should be used alongside other techniques.

Considering other platforms that may be mistaken for Shopify, and how to differentiate them

While Shopify is a dominant player in the e-commerce industry, there are other platforms that may share similarities in design or functionality, leading to confusion and mistaken identifications. Some platforms, like BigCommerce, WooCommerce, or Magento, offer comparable features and themes. To differentiate between these platforms, it’s important to rely on multiple identification methods and consider the context and overarching characteristics of the website in question. Combining various techniques, such as examining the source code, analyzing design elements, and considering the platform’s features, can provide a more accurate determination.

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Get more email subscribers and customers with Sleeknote’s Shopify-optimized forms, popups, quizzes, and gamification tools. (No designers or developers needed.)

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Conclusion: Mastering the art of identifying a website powered by Shopify

In conclusion, recognizing whether a website is powered by Shopify requires a combination of both technical analysis and familiarity with the platform’s characteristics. By examining the website’s source code, analyzing design elements, inspecting URL structures, checking for specific HTML and CSS classes, and using online tools, you can increase your accuracy in identifying Shopify-powered websites. Additionally, understanding the benefits of using Shopify, spotting common features and functionalities, and considering other potential platforms for comparison can further enhance your ability to differentiate between different e-commerce platforms. With practice and experience, you will master the art of identifying a website powered by Shopify and gain valuable insights into the thriving world of e-commerce.

Thank you for reading this comprehensive guide on how to tell if a website is powered by Shopify. We hope you found it informative and that it helps you in your future online shopping or development endeavors.