How Södahl Informs Customers of New Products Using a Simple SleekBox
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How Södahl Informs Customers of New Products Using a Simple SleekBox

About The concept was founded in Denmark in 1963 by designer and artist Hans Jürgen Schöbel and was based on the leading idea – to develop quality products in attractive designs. Södahl’s design center works all year around to spot and predict future trends in the field of furnishing and lifestyles products, which gives today’s customer classic, elegant, modern and super trendy styles choices. The very best ingredient in premium processing is a high design and fashionable colors which is the recipe for Södahl’s collections.

What Was Your Goal, When You Started Using Sleeknote?

Our goal was to get more conversions in relation to newsletter signups. In addition, we wanted to highlight the new collections and products, which are continuously added to the page.

“Sleeknote stands out from their competitors quite clearly with their delicious and intuitive back-end interface, and that’s why it wasn’t difficult for us to choose the best “pop feature” for our website.”
Anders Vendelbo Christensen Webmaster, Södahl

What Has Sleeknote Helped You With?

Many of our visitors don’t enter through the front (door) like in a physical store, and because of this, we used SleekBoxes on all of our subpages to create traffic to the desired campaign pages.

Here’s an example of a SleekBox on Södahl’s website:


What Are Your Results with Sleeknote?

Our campaigns have gained greater visibility and most importantly we have directed more traffic to our beautiful collections and news, which of course helps us to inspire visitors and at the same time it focuses attention on our products.

“We have had great success with the Sleeknote in November and December, where we used it to highlight our campaign items and support our TV-marketing in the same period.”
Anders Vendelbo Christensen Webmaster, Södahl

Why Is Email Marketing Important for Södahl?

Södahl has a large turnover on products, because we present a new collection 2 times per year – respectively a summer and a winter collection. That is why email marketing is an easy and great way to inform interested visitors about our new collections.

This is an example of a SleekBox Södahl uses on their website to highlight a new collection:

sodahl sleekbox 2

What Advice Do You Have for Those Who Consider Using Sleeknote?

First of all, you just have to test it out. There are so many different possibilities besides collecting newsletter signups. You can use it on your entire website for different purposes. For example, we have begun using it a lot to display new products in order to increase awareness around these products.

How Has the Collaboration with Sleeknote Been?

Absolutely fine. We started as a beta-test-customer and the few times we have had a problem, they have been extremely helpful. It is a really good product that is very flexible compared to several of Sleeknote’s competitors. For example, you have the opportunity to design and customize your SleekBox, so it fits your page’s design and style. In addition, Sleeknote has a back-end that is both beautiful and extremely user-friendly.


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