Vil du lære, hvordan du får mest muligt ud af din trafik med højt-konverterende Sleeknote-kampagner?
I dette webinar får du vores bedste ideer og eksempler, som du kan bruge i år og fremover til at forbedre din omsætning.
Her er et sneak peek af, hvad vi skal forbi i dette webinar. Det bliver konkret og med eksempler.
In this webinar we’ve once again teamed up with an expert within the field
Julie is Head of Managed Solution, which is a team of Sleeknote experts who helps our customers with all things popups. She’s a complete language nerd and listens to endless amounts of podcasts (only documentaries!)
Emil is the CMO and co-founder of Sleeknote. When he’s not busy with writing awesome content and building the Sleeknote brand, he spends his time reading blog posts and listening to podcasts.