Looking for a MAILMUNCH alternative?
Drag, drop, add, and remove. Design eye-catching popups with Sleeknote’s drag-and-drop editor and show them to the right people at the right time with one-click targeting options.
The MAILMUNCH alternatıve worth the swıtch
Design beautiful popups that match the look and feel of your site—without a designer or a developer. Customize your popups in minutes both for desktop and mobile screens. From email capture to reducing cart abandonment, Sleeknote has all the right tools you need to grow a segmented email list and increase your sales revenue. With Sleeknote, you always get access to all features from day one, regardless of your plan.
Don’t waste valuable hours on complicated popup builders. With Sleeknote’s drag-and-drop editor and 120+ conversion-ready templates, you can create branded website popups in minutes—both for desktop and mobile.
Whether you want to target visitors based on their location, interests, basket items, or cookies, Sleeknote has all the targeting options you need—both advanced and simple. All features are included in all plans, so you can enjoy Sleeknote fully on an unlimited number of websites.
Take full control over your website popups. Customize your popups as much as you need with your brand colors, background images, custom fonts, and much more.
Go beyond generic email forms. With our multistep popups, you can collect visitor information in multiple steps, without scaring them off with too many input fields. More signup data = better email segmentation.
Add dynamic product recommendations into your popups with one click. Make relevant recommendations on the right pages to increase average order value. (Integrates directly with Shopify, Clerk, Hello Retail, and Raptor.)
Show a unique popup to each visitor based on what’s in their basket, how much they’re about to spend, what brands they’re interested in, and much more. Collect relevant emails, prevent cart abandonment, and sell more with personalized popups.
We believe that Sleeknote is more than just a product. Our outstanding customer success team is ready to go above and beyond to help solve your problems—both before and after you join the Sleeknote family.
Get help every step of the way from our customer success team, regardless of your company’s size or industry. Depending on your plan, we’ll help you with free campaigns, quarterly business reviews, annual site visits, and more.
Create multiple, unique popups for different groups of visitors for each of your goals.
Grow a segmented email list with quality subscribers.
Sell more to your website visitors and make the most of your traffic.
Send visitors to the right products and pages at the right time.
Invite visitors with to contact you at the exact moment they need help.
Sleeknote is the user-friendly alternative to OptinMonster, OptiMonk, MailMunch, Gleam, Unbounce, Bounce Exchange, Wisepops, Sumo, GetSiteControl, Hello Bar, Privy, JustUno, Poptin, ConvertFlow, Wishpond, and Thrive Leads.
More than 2,000 companies boost their revenue day after day. Join them today.
Start your 14-day free Sleeknote trial and begin capturing and converting more visitors today.